Active Cream
Active Cream
Active Cream
Active Cream
Active Cream
Active Cream


Active Cream


The active ingredients in this long-lasting formula deeply hydrate and moisturise, while restoring a natural glow.
Instantly absorbed, apply it to dry, cleansed skin, including around the eyes and lips, to enhance elasticity, firmness and smoothness while fortifying the skin and creating a luminous glow.
116 £


Single purchase


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How to use

In the morning and evening, apply on dry, cleansed skin to face and neck, as well as the delicate eye area.


Clinically proven

Derm tested

Sensitive skin

Renewable sources

Local sources

Vegan friendly

Key Benefits1

1 Clinically proven

Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled independent clinical study (8 weeks study duration).
4 groups of 24 subjects each, enrolled by a board-certified dermatologist, according to specific inclusion and exclusion criteria (age between 45 and 65 years old, declarative sensitive skin, skin ageing from mild to moderate). Assessment of the product effects/efficacy after 4- and 8-week intake/use.

1 Percentage of subjects showing a significant improvement after 8 weeks (clinically measured parameters).
Endpoints are measured using techniques currently accepted in the cosmetic field while biases are minimized by procedure(s) standardization according to ISO 9001 QMS.

Drag the line and discover the results

Evidence-backed outcomes
Transformative results in 8 weeks


Before After 8 weeks


Up to 65% radiance improvement1
Over x3.6 iimprovement after 8 weeks using the AWvi topical solutions2

Target: 63 years old subject
Protocol: use of the AWvi topical solutions combine with 1 placebo supplement over an 8-week period
Pictures in T0 (clinical study start) and T8 (after 8 weeks)

1 Results from the reference group that used the three AWvi active topical products in combination with one placebo supplement.

2 Comprehensive improvement provided by the three AWvi active topical products, compared to a combination of placebo solutions composed of one supplement and three topical products.

Giacomo Santus

'Our team has designed next-generation biomimetic ingredients, which we have meticulously crafted into each formula to fully leverage their potent and synergistic properties, enabling us to achieve maximum efficacy and safety with minimal compounds.'

Giacomo Santus
Science & Innovation Lead at AWvi

About the results

The AWvi Skin complex

P.P. EP4151217

Our proven results are powered by the AWvi Skin Complex—a proprietary and patented blend of nutraceutical and cosmeceutical ingredients, formulated at optimal dosages to counteract the ageing process across every layer of the skin.



Our formulas are intricately designed to embrace the complexity of the body's internal and external systems. We go beyond surface-level solutions by factoring in the 'interactome'—a complex interplay of genetic, microbial, and environmental influences that shape your health.



Through a biomimetic approach, we utilise medical-grade ingredients that mirror the body's own chemistry and biology. This ensures unparalleled effectiveness in every formula, bringing the best of science to your skin.



Each ingredient is meticulously developed for its unique role within each formula and its capacity to work synergistically across all formulas. The result is transformative, evidence-backed outcomes that work from the inside-out and the outside-in, amplifying the individual benefits of each component.

How it Works

The Active Cream

The Active Cream is an example of innovative formulation, deeply rooted in cutting-edge biotechnological research. Designed for rapid absorption and extended action throughout the day and night, our cream represents the epitome of synergistic science. Each ingredient, unique in its own right, collaboratively enhances the function of the others.

We begin with Ectoin, a revolutionary post-biotic molecule obtained through advanced biofermentation techniques involving a non-GMO bacterial strain. Originating from the extreme saline conditions of the desert, Ectoin acts as a cellular shield and metabolic booster. It significantly elevates the anti-aging attributes of the formula, enhancing skin structure, reducing wrinkles, and strengthening elasticity and smoothness.

Next, we have a highly specialized form of olive oil triglycerides, manipulated through modern chemical methodologies like purification, extraction, and isolation to achieve unparalleled potency. Since triglycerides naturally occur in our physiological systems, this harmonizes perfectly with the skin's native chemistry.

The hyaluronic acid incorporated into this formula ranges from medium to high molecular weights, ensuring comprehensive skin benefits across diverse skin needs.

The end result is a scientifically validated formula, rapid-absorbing and long-lasting, offering unmatched hydration, rejuvenation, and balance to the skin's ecosystem, bolstering its natural defenses, ensuring robust protection against external aggressors. The cream's rapid absorption quality also allows for subsequent makeup application. This cream provides a holistic care regimen, effective from morning to night.
The formula has been meticulously developed to meet the needs of individuals of any age, gender, and skin complexion.

Focus on topical hero ingredients

Active Water

Most skincare products are composed largely of water (up to 90%, by volume), which serves primarily as a base. We have made this essential component an active ingredient.

Our active water is upcycled, extracted from the non-edible portions of organic Mediterranean green mandarins (The Power Serum) and red oranges (The Gentle Cleanser and The Active Cream).

Compared to demineralised or distilled water, our microbiologically pure water offers a protective effect against oxidation, UV rays, and pollution.

Our active water also has anti-inflammatory properties and forms a protective film that strengthens the skin barrier. Moreover, it contains a type of salt that is recognised by the body and assists in the absorption of other ingredients.

How to use

The Active Cream

In the morning and evening, apply on dry, cleansed skin to face and neck, as well as the delicate eye area.

Your Questions About AWvi

Why opt for an integrated solution like The Skin Method?

Our vision with The Skin Method was to create an integrated and compact solution tailored to address a multitude of specific skin concerns while ensuring holistic health benefits for every skin type. This objective is achieved through a comprehensive approach that works both from both the inside out and the outside in, leveraging the synergistic actions of our products for exponential benefits. Each of the four products in our launch collection plays a vital role in this system. They are not just individually potent, but also collectively transformative, offering a broad spectrum of benefits from nourishment and balance to protection and regeneration. This curated selection is formulated for all genders, all ages, and all skin types.

What is biotech?

Biotech, at its core, is about innovation and precision—it's where lab-grown ingredients come to life. Picture a space where the ingenuity of nature meets the exactitude of science. Here, we're not just following nature's blueprint; we're enhancing it, making it more accessible and sustainable without stepping outside the bounds of ethical responsibility.
We develop ingredients that are grown within the controlled environments of our labs. This method allows us to ensure the highest purity and efficacy of every compound we derive. It's about harnessing the inherent power of natural elements, then refining and concentrating them, without the shadow of contaminants.
This approach is groundbreaking. Imagine having the essence of the most potent botanicals at your fingertips, without depleting natural resources or harming the ecosystem. These lab-grown marvels are not just replicas; they are improvements, optimized to provide you maximum benefit.
At AWvi, biotech is more than a methodology—it's a commitment to excellence, sustainability, and the art of science.

Where is AWvi manufactured?

AWvi's offerings are crafted with meticulous attention from conception to manufacturing in Italy, blending tradition with cutting-edge innovation. Our nutraceutical products are produced in a facility located on the outskirts of Florence—home to our headquarters—which complies with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. This facility is certified by the Italian Medicines Agency and registered with the FDA, reflecting our unwavering commitment to both quality and safety.
In parallel, the development and production of our ingredients and cosmeceutical products are carried out near Milan, by one of our founding partners, in a facility boasting multiple certifications by international ISO standards, including ISO 22716:2007 for Cosmetic Products Manufacturing, ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management, ISO 22000:2005 for Food and Nutraceutical Safety, ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management Performance, and ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health and Safety.
This arrangement ensures an integration of expertise and excellence at every phase of development and production. Such strategic localization highlights our dedication to offering products that are not just effective, but are also locally produced in a sustainable and ethical manner.



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Benefit measurement protocol

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.